
CSS Working Group Editor Drafts

Bikeshed Errors

Automatic generation of the file css-nav-1/Overview.html was successful but Bikeshed reported the following:

Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 92 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 96 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 100 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 920 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 921 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 922 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 923 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 925 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 926 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 928 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 929 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 930 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 932 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 933 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 934 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 935 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 936 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 937 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 938 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 939 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 940 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 941 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 942 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 1310 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 1311 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 1312 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 1313 starts with tabs.
Your document appears to use spaces to indent, but line 1761 starts with tabs.
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/gallery-app.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-scroll-visible-1.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-scroll-visible-2.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-scroll-invisible-1.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-scroll-invisible-2.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-scroll-invisible-3.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-scroll-invisible-4.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/focusableareas-visible-example.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/navnotarget-example-1.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/navnotarget-example-2.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/projected_overlap.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-action.png'
WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/spatnav-function.png'
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'origin' dfn refs for '['/']'.
Arbitrarily chose https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#concept-origin
The following refs show up multiple times in their spec, in a way that Bikeshed can't distinguish between. Either create a manual link, or ask the spec maintainer to add disambiguating attributes (usually a for='' attribute to all of them).
spec:html; type:dfn; for:/; text:origin
<a bs-line-number="658" data-link-spec="html" data-link-for="/" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="origin">origin</a>
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'event order'.
[=event order=]
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'origin' dfn refs for '['/']'.
Arbitrarily chose https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#concept-origin
The following refs show up multiple times in their spec, in a way that Bikeshed can't distinguish between. Either create a manual link, or ask the spec maintainer to add disambiguating attributes (usually a for='' attribute to all of them).
spec:html; type:dfn; for:/; text:origin
<a bs-line-number="776" data-link-spec="html" data-link-for="/" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="origin">origin</a>
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'nested browsing context'.
<a bs-line-number="1092" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="nested browsing context">nested browsing context</a>
LINK ERROR: No 'dfn' refs found for 'browsing context container' that are marked for export.
<a bs-line-number="1093" data-link-type="dfn" data-lt="browsing context container">browsing context container</a>
WARNING: Multiple elements have the same ID '96797491'.
Deduping, but this ID may not be stable across revisions.
WARNING: W3C policy requires Privacy Considerations and Security Considerations to be separate sections, but you appear to have them combined into one.
  Successfully generated, with warnings

Last Bikeshed run at 2025-03-12 15:12:39 PDT