Automatic generation of the file css-tables-3/Overview.html was successful but Bikeshed reported the following:
Line 902's indent contains tabs after spaces. Line 903's indent contains tabs after spaces. WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/CSS-Tables-Layout-Merged.svg' WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: 'images/CSS-Tables-Column-Width-Assignment.svg' WARNING: Autodetection of image dimensions is only supported for local files, skipping this image: <img bs-line-number="2727" alt="[see-caption-below]" src=""> Consider setting 'width' and 'height' manually or opting out of autodetection by setting the 'no-autosize' attribute. WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: './images/CSS-Tables-Fragmentation-1.svg' WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: './images/CSS-Tables-Fragmentation-2.svg' WARNING: Image doesn't exist, so I couldn't determine its width and height: './images/CSS-Tables-Repeating-Headers.svg' LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'border-radius' property refs. Arbitrarily chose To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block: spec:css-backgrounds-3; type:property; text:border-radius spec:css-borders-4; type:property; text:border-radius 'border-radius'Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="564" id="max-content-width-of-a-table" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="max-content width of a table" data-noexport="by-default">max-content width of a table<a href="#max-content-width-of-a-table" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="866" id="caption-side-top" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="top" data-noexport="by-default">top<a href="#caption-side-top" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="870" id="caption-side-bottom" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="bottom" data-noexport="by-default">bottom<a href="#caption-side-bottom" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1171" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="undistributable-space" data-lt="undistributable space" data-noexport="by-default">undistributable space<a href="#undistributable-space" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1198" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="cell-intrinsic-offsets" data-lt="cell intrinsic offsets" data-noexport="by-default">cell intrinsic offsets<a href="#cell-intrinsic-offsets" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1211" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="table-intrinsic-offsets" data-lt="table intrinsic offsets" data-noexport="by-default">table intrinsic offsets<a href="#table-intrinsic-offsets" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1229" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="total-horizontal-border-spacing" data-lt="total horizontal border spacing" data-noexport="by-default">total horizontal border spacing<a href="#total-horizontal-border-spacing" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1285" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="percentage-contribution" data-lt="percentage contribution" data-noexport="by-default">percentage contribution<a href="#percentage-contribution" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1338" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="min-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-1" data-lt="min-content width of a column based on cells of span up to 1" data-noexport="by-default">min-content width of a column based on cells of span up to 1<a href="#min-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-1" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1352" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="max-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-1" data-lt="max-content width of a column based on cells of span up to 1" data-noexport="by-default">max-content width of a column based on cells of span up to 1<a href="#max-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-1" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1363" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="intrinsic-percentage-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-1" data-lt="intrinsic percentage width of a column based on cells of span up to 1" data-noexport="by-default">intrinsic percentage width of a column based on cells of span up to 1<a href="#intrinsic-percentage-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-1" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1370" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="min-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-n-n--1" data-lt="min-content width of a column based on cells of span up to N (N > 1)" data-noexport="by-default">min-content width of a column based on cells of span up to N (N > 1)<a href="#min-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-n-n--1" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1413" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="max-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-n-n--1" data-lt="max-content width of a column based on cells of span up to N (N > 1)" data-noexport="by-default">max-content width of a column based on cells of span up to N (N > 1)<a href="#max-content-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-n-n--1" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1443" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="intrinsic-percentage-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-n-n--1" data-lt="intrinsic percentage width of a column based on cells of span up to N (N > 1)" data-noexport="by-default">intrinsic percentage width of a column based on cells of span up to N (N > 1)<a href="#intrinsic-percentage-width-of-a-column-based-on-cells-of-span-up-to-n-n--1" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1699" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="pixel-column" data-lt="pixel-column" data-noexport="by-default">pixel-column<a href="#pixel-column" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1701" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="auto-column" data-lt="auto-column" data-noexport="by-default">auto-column<a href="#auto-column" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1839" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="distributed-width" data-lt="distributed width" data-noexport="by-default">distributed width<a href="#distributed-width" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="1840" data-dfn-type="dfn" id="excess-width" data-lt="excess width" data-noexport="by-default">excess width<a href="#excess-width" class="self-link"></a></dfn> Unexported dfn that's not referenced locally - did you mean to export it? <dfn bs-line-number="2057" id="table-root-baseline" data-dfn-type="dfn" data-lt="baseline of a table-root" data-noexport="by-default">baseline of a table-root<a href="#table-root-baseline" class="self-link"></a></dfn> ✔ Successfully generated, with warnings
Last Bikeshed run at 2025-03-12 15:12:39 PDT