
CSS Working Group Editor Drafts

Bikeshed Errors

Automatic generation of the file css-transitions-2/Overview.html was successful but Bikeshed reported the following:

LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'border-left-width' property refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds-3/#propdef-border-left-width
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:css-backgrounds-3; type:property; text:border-left-width
spec:css-borders-4; type:property; text:border-left-width
spec:css21; type:property; text:border-left-width
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'background-color' property refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://drafts.csswg.org/css-backgrounds-3/#propdef-background-color
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:css-backgrounds-3; type:property; text:background-color
spec:css21; type:property; text:background-color
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'display' propdesc refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-4/#propdef-display
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:css-display-4; type:property; text:display
spec:css21; type:property; text:display
''display: none''
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'display' property refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display-4/#propdef-display
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:css-display-4; type:property; text:display
spec:css21; type:property; text:display
LINK ERROR: Multiple possible 'computed value' dfn refs.
Arbitrarily chose https://drafts.csswg.org/css-cascade-5/#computed-value
To auto-select one of the following refs, insert one of these lines into a <pre class=link-defaults> block:
spec:css-cascade-5; type:dfn; text:computed value
spec:css21; type:dfn; text:computed value
<a bs-line-number="599" data-lt="computed value" data-link-type="dfn">computed values</a>

Last Bikeshed run at 2025-03-12 15:12:39 PDT