1. Introduction
This is a non-normative document. It lists every term defined in CSS, as long as it’s marked up correctly for the spec generator. It is intended as a reference document for authors, implementors, and spec authors, to aid in finding the definition for a term hidden somewhere in the haystack of CSS specs.
There are some things missing, and there are several mistakes, either from use of legacy markup patterns that haven’t been updated yet, or the dfn-type-autodetector misfiring. These will be cleaned up over time.
A notable absence at the moment is a list of all the "dfn" type definitions—
2. Properties and Descriptors
- --*
- accent-color
- additive-symbols
- align-content
- align-items
- alignment-baseline
- align-self
- all
- anchor-name
- anchor-scope
- animation
- animation-composition
- animation-delay
- animation-direction
- animation-duration
- animation-fill-mode
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-name
- animation-play-state
- animation-range
- animation-range-end
- animation-range-start
- animation-timeline
- animation-timing-function
- any-hover
- any-pointer
- appearance
- ascent-override
- aspect-ratio
- azimuth
- backdrop-filter
- backface-visibility
- background
- background-attachment
- background-blend-mode
- background-clip
- background-color
- background-image
- background-origin
- background-position
- background-repeat
- background-size
- baseline-shift
- baseline-source
- base-palette
- bleed
- block-ellipsis
- block-size
- block-step
- block-step-align
- block-step-insert
- block-step-round
- block-step-size
- bookmark-label
- bookmark-level
- bookmark-state
- border
- border-block
- border-block-color
- border-block-end
- border-block-end-color
- border-block-end-radius
- border-block-end-style
- border-block-end-width
- border-block-start
- border-block-start-color
- border-block-start-radius
- border-block-start-style
- border-block-start-width
- border-block-style
- border-block-width
- border-bottom
- border-bottom-color
- border-bottom-left-radius
- border-bottom-radius
- border-bottom-right-radius
- border-bottom-style
- border-bottom-width
- border-boundary
- border-clip
- border-clip-bottom
- border-clip-left
- border-clip-right
- border-clip-top
- border-collapse
- border-color
- border-end-end-radius
- border-end-start-radius
- border-image
- border-image-outset
- border-image-repeat
- border-image-slice
- border-image-source
- border-image-width
- border-inline
- border-inline-color
- border-inline-end
- border-inline-end-color
- border-inline-end-radius
- border-inline-end-style
- border-inline-end-width
- border-inline-start
- border-inline-start-color
- border-inline-start-radius
- border-inline-start-style
- border-inline-start-width
- border-inline-style
- border-inline-width
- border-left
- border-left-color
- border-left-radius
- border-left-style
- border-left-width
- border-limit
- border-radius
- border-right
- border-right-color
- border-right-radius
- border-right-style
- border-right-width
- border-spacing
- border-start-end-radius
- border-start-start-radius
- border-style
- border-top
- border-top-color
- border-top-left-radius
- border-top-radius
- border-top-right-radius
- border-top-style
- border-top-width
- border-width
- bottom
- box-decoration-break
- box-shadow
- box-shadow-blur
- box-shadow-color
- box-shadow-offset
- box-shadow-position
- box-shadow-spread
- box-sizing
- box-snap
- break-after
- break-before
- break-inside
- caption-side
- caret
- caret-animation
- caret-color
- caret-shape
- clear
- clip
- clip-path
- clip-rule
- color
- color-adjust
- color-gamut
- color-index
- color-interpolation
- color-interpolation-filters
- color-rendering
- color-scheme
- column-count
- column-fill
- column-gap
- column-rule
- column-rule-color
- column-rule-style
- column-rule-width
- columns
- column-span
- column-width
- components
- contain
- container
- container-name
- container-type
- contain-intrinsic-block-size
- contain-intrinsic-height
- contain-intrinsic-inline-size
- contain-intrinsic-size
- contain-intrinsic-width
- content
- content-visibility
- continue
- copy-into
- corners
- corner-shape
- counter-increment
- counter-reset
- counter-set
- cue
- cue-after
- cue-before
- cursor
- cx
- cy
- d
- descent-override
- device-aspect-ratio
- device-height
- device-width
- direction
- display
- display-mode
- dominant-baseline
- dynamic-range
- dynamic-range-limit
- elevation
- empty-cells
- environment-blending
- fallback
- field-sizing
- fill
- fill-break
- fill-color
- fill-image
- fill-opacity
- fill-origin
- fill-position
- fill-repeat
- fill-rule
- fill-size
- filter
- flex
- flex-basis
- flex-direction
- flex-flow
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-wrap
- float
- float-defer
- float-offset
- float-reference
- flood-color
- flood-opacity
- flow-from
- flow-into
- font
- font-display
- font-family
- font-feature-settings
- font-kerning
- font-language-override
- font-named-instance
- font-optical-sizing
- font-palette
- font-size
- font-size-adjust
- font-stretch
- font-style
- font-synthesis
- font-synthesis-position
- font-synthesis-small-caps
- font-synthesis-style
- font-synthesis-weight
- font-variant
- font-variant-alternates
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-east-asian
- font-variant-emoji
- font-variant-ligatures
- font-variant-numeric
- font-variant-position
- font-variation-settings
- font-weight
- font-width
- forced-color-adjust
- forced-colors
- gap
- glyph-orientation-vertical
- grid
- grid-area
- grid-auto-columns
- grid-auto-flow
- grid-auto-rows
- grid-column
- grid-column-end
- grid-column-gap
- grid-column-start
- grid-gap
- grid-row
- grid-row-end
- grid-row-gap
- grid-row-start
- grid-template
- grid-template-areas
- grid-template-columns
- grid-template-rows
- hanging-punctuation
- height
- horizontal-viewport-segments
- hover
- hyphenate-character
- hyphenate-limit-chars
- hyphenate-limit-last
- hyphenate-limit-lines
- hyphenate-limit-zone
- hyphens
- image-orientation
- image-rendering
- image-resolution
- inherits
- initial-letter
- initial-letter-align
- initial-letter-wrap
- initial-value
- inline-size
- inline-sizing
- input-security
- inset
- inset-area
- inset-block
- inset-block-end
- inset-block-start
- inset-inline
- inset-inline-end
- inset-inline-start
- interpolate-size
- inverted-colors
- isolation
- justify-content
- justify-items
- justify-self
- left
- letter-spacing
- lighting-color
- line-break
- line-clamp
- line-gap-override
- line-grid
- line-height
- line-height-step
- line-padding
- line-snap
- link-parameters
- list-style
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style-type
- margin
- margin-block
- margin-block-end
- margin-block-start
- margin-bottom
- margin-break
- margin-inline
- margin-inline-end
- margin-inline-start
- margin-left
- margin-right
- margin-top
- margin-trim
- marker
- marker-end
- marker-mid
- marker-side
- marker-start
- marks
- mask
- mask-border
- mask-border-mode
- mask-border-outset
- mask-border-repeat
- mask-border-slice
- mask-border-source
- mask-border-width
- mask-clip
- mask-composite
- mask-image
- mask-mode
- mask-origin
- mask-position
- mask-repeat
- mask-size
- mask-type
- math-depth
- math-shift
- math-style
- max-block-size
- max-height
- max-inline-size
- max-lines
- max-width
- min-block-size
- min-height
- min-inline-size
- min-intrinsic-sizing
- min-width
- mix-blend-mode
- monochrome
- nav-controls
- nav-down
- navigation
- nav-left
- nav-right
- nav-up
- negative
- object-fit
- object-position
- object-view-box
- offset
- offset-anchor
- offset-distance
- offset-path
- offset-position
- offset-rotate
- opacity
- order
- orientation
- orphans
- outline
- outline-color
- outline-offset
- outline-style
- outline-width
- overflow
- overflow-anchor
- overflow-block
- overflow-clip-margin
- overflow-clip-margin-block
- overflow-clip-margin-block-end
- overflow-clip-margin-block-start
- overflow-clip-margin-bottom
- overflow-clip-margin-inline
- overflow-clip-margin-inline-end
- overflow-clip-margin-inline-start
- overflow-clip-margin-left
- overflow-clip-margin-right
- overflow-clip-margin-top
- overflow-inline
- overflow-wrap
- overflow-x
- overflow-y
- overlay
- override-colors
- overscroll-behavior
- overscroll-behavior-block
- overscroll-behavior-inline
- overscroll-behavior-x
- overscroll-behavior-y
- pad
- padding
- padding-block
- padding-block-end
- padding-block-start
- padding-bottom
- padding-inline
- padding-inline-end
- padding-inline-start
- padding-left
- padding-right
- padding-top
- page
- page-break-after
- page-break-before
- page-break-inside
- page-orientation
- paint-order
- pause
- pause-after
- pause-before
- perspective
- perspective-origin
- pitch
- pitch-range
- place-content
- place-items
- place-self
- play-during
- pointer
- pointer-events
- position
- position-anchor
- position-try
- position-try-fallbacks
- position-try-options
- position-try-order
- position-visibility
- prefers-color-scheme
- prefers-contrast
- prefers-reduced-data
- prefers-reduced-motion
- prefers-reduced-transparency
- prefix
- print-color-adjust
- property-name
- quotes
- r
- range
- reading-flow
- region-fragment
- rendering-intent
- resize
- resolution
- rest
- rest-after
- rest-before
- result
- richness
- right
- rotate
- row-gap
- ruby-align
- ruby-merge
- ruby-overhang
- ruby-position
- rx
- ry
- scale
- scan
- scripting
- scrollbar-color
- scrollbar-gutter
- scrollbar-width
- scroll-behavior
- scroll-margin
- scroll-margin-block
- scroll-margin-block-end
- scroll-margin-block-start
- scroll-margin-bottom
- scroll-margin-inline
- scroll-margin-inline-end
- scroll-margin-inline-start
- scroll-margin-left
- scroll-margin-right
- scroll-margin-top
- scroll-marker-group
- scroll-padding
- scroll-padding-block
- scroll-padding-block-end
- scroll-padding-block-start
- scroll-padding-bottom
- scroll-padding-inline
- scroll-padding-inline-end
- scroll-padding-inline-start
- scroll-padding-left
- scroll-padding-right
- scroll-padding-top
- scroll-snap-align
- scroll-snap-stop
- scroll-snap-type
- scroll-start-target
- scroll-timeline
- scroll-timeline-axis
- scroll-timeline-name
- shape
- shape-image-threshold
- shape-inside
- shape-margin
- shape-outside
- shape-padding
- shape-rendering
- shape-subtract
- size
- size-adjust
- spatial-navigation-action
- spatial-navigation-contain
- spatial-navigation-function
- speak
- speak-as
- speak-header
- speak-numeral
- speak-punctuation
- speech-rate
- src
- stop-color
- stop-opacity
- stress
- string-set
- stroke
- stroke-align
- stroke-break
- stroke-color
- stroke-dasharray
- stroke-dash-corner
- stroke-dash-justify
- stroke-dashoffset
- stroke-image
- stroke-linecap
- stroke-linejoin
- stroke-miterlimit
- stroke-opacity
- stroke-origin
- stroke-position
- stroke-repeat
- stroke-size
- stroke-width
- subscript-position-override
- subscript-size-override
- suffix
- superscript-position-override
- superscript-size-override
- symbols
- syntax
- system
- table-layout
- tab-size
- text-align
- text-align-all
- text-align-last
- text-anchor
- text-autospace
- text-box-edge
- text-box-trim
- text-combine-upright
- text-decoration
- text-decoration-color
- text-decoration-fill
- text-decoration-line
- text-decoration-skip
- text-decoration-skip-box
- text-decoration-skip-ink
- text-decoration-skip-inset
- text-decoration-skip-self
- text-decoration-skip-spaces
- text-decoration-stroke
- text-decoration-style
- text-decoration-thickness
- text-decoration-trim
- text-emphasis
- text-emphasis-color
- text-emphasis-position
- text-emphasis-skip
- text-emphasis-style
- text-group-align
- text-indent
- text-justify
- text-orientation
- text-overflow
- text-rendering
- text-shadow
- text-size-adjust
- text-spacing
- text-spacing-trim
- text-transform
- text-underline-offset
- text-underline-position
- text-wrap
- text-wrap-mode
- text-wrap-style
- timeline-scope
- top
- touch-action
- transform
- transform-box
- transform-origin
- transform-style
- transition
- transition-behavior
- transition-delay
- transition-duration
- transition-property
- transition-timing-function
- translate
- types
- unicode-bidi
- unicode-range
- update
- user-select
- vector-effect
- vertical-align
- vertical-viewport-segments
- video-color-gamut
- video-dynamic-range
- viewport-fit
- view-timeline
- view-timeline-axis
- view-timeline-inset
- view-timeline-name
- view-transition-class
- view-transition-name
- visibility
- voice-balance
- voice-duration
- voice-family
- voice-pitch
- voice-range
- voice-rate
- voice-stress
- voice-volume
- volume
- -webkit-align-content
- -webkit-align-items
- -webkit-align-self
- -webkit-animation
- -webkit-animation-delay
- -webkit-animation-direction
- -webkit-animation-duration
- -webkit-animation-fill-mode
- -webkit-animation-iteration-count
- -webkit-animation-name
- -webkit-animation-play-state
- -webkit-animation-timing-function
- -webkit-appearance
- -webkit-backface-visibility
- -webkit-background-clip
- -webkit-background-origin
- -webkit-background-size
- -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius
- -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius
- -webkit-border-radius
- -webkit-border-top-left-radius
- -webkit-border-top-right-radius
- -webkit-box-align
- -webkit-box-flex
- -webkit-box-ordinal-group
- -webkit-box-orient
- -webkit-box-pack
- -webkit-box-shadow
- -webkit-box-sizing
- -webkit-device-pixel-ratio
- -webkit-filter
- -webkit-flex
- -webkit-flex-basis
- -webkit-flex-direction
- -webkit-flex-flow
- -webkit-flex-grow
- -webkit-flex-shrink
- -webkit-flex-wrap
- -webkit-justify-content
- -webkit-line-clamp
- -webkit-mask
- -webkit-mask-box-image
- -webkit-mask-box-image-outset
- -webkit-mask-box-image-repeat
- -webkit-mask-box-image-slice
- -webkit-mask-box-image-source
- -webkit-mask-box-image-width
- -webkit-mask-clip
- -webkit-mask-composite
- -webkit-mask-image
- -webkit-mask-origin
- -webkit-mask-position
- -webkit-mask-repeat
- -webkit-mask-size
- -webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio
- -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio
- -webkit-order
- -webkit-perspective
- -webkit-perspective-origin
- -webkit-text-fill-color
- -webkit-text-size-adjust
- -webkit-text-stroke
- -webkit-text-stroke-color
- -webkit-text-stroke-width
- -webkit-transform
- -webkit-transform-3d
- -webkit-transform-origin
- -webkit-transform-style
- -webkit-transition
- -webkit-transition-delay
- -webkit-transition-duration
- -webkit-transition-property
- -webkit-transition-timing-function
- -webkit-user-select
- white-space
- white-space-collapse
- white-space-trim
- widows
- width
- will-change
- word-break
- word-space-transform
- word-spacing
- word-wrap
- wrap-after
- wrap-before
- wrap-flow
- wrap-inside
- wrap-through
- writing-mode
- x
- y
- z-index
- zoom
3. Property/Descriptor Values
- 1st <length>
- 2nd <length>
- a
- a1lx
- a3
- a4
- a5
- a98-rgb
- absolute
- absolute-colorimetric
- accentcolor
- accentcolortext
- active
- activeborder
- activecaption
- activetext
- add
- additive
- after
- alias
- aliceblue
- alignment character
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor-scope
- in css-borders-4, for border-limit
- in css-break-4, for break-before, break-after
- in css-inline-3, for initial-letter-wrap
- in css-multicol-2, for column-span
- in css-page-floats-3, for clear
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-box
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-ink
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-spaces
- in css-transitions-1, for transition-property
- in css-ui-4, for user-select
- in css-writing-modes-4, for text-combine-upright
- in css22, for @media
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media
- in scroll-animations-1, for timeline-scope
- allow-end
- allow-keywords
- all-petite-caps
- all-scroll
- all-small-caps
- in css-color-5, for color()
- in css-color-5, for hsl()
- in css-color-5, for hwb()
- in css-color-5, for lab()
- in css-color-5, for lch()
- in css-color-5, for oklab()
- in css-color-5, for oklch()
- in css-color-5, for rgb()
- in css-masking-1, for mask-border-mode
- in css-masking-1, for mask-mode
- in css-masking-1, for mask-type
- alphabetic
- alternate
- alternate-reverse
- in css-anchor-position-1, for position-visibility
- in css-break-4, for break-before, break-after
- in css-overflow-4, for scrollbar-gutter
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-stop
- in css-speech-1, for speak
- in css-text-4, for hyphenate-limit-lines
- in css22, for page-break-before, page-break-after, page-break-inside
- anchor-center
- anchors-valid
- anchors-visible
- <angle>
- angle
- annotation(<feature-value-name>)
- anonymous
- antiquewhite
- any
- anywhere
- appworkspace
- aqua
- aquamarine
- arabic-indic
- arc
- arcs
- armenian
- at <position>
- attr()
- attr(x)
- aural
- in css-align-3, for align-self
- in css-align-3, for justify-self
- in css-animations-2, for animation-duration
- in css-animations-2, for animation-timeline, <single-animation-timeline>
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-size
- in css-backgrounds-3, for border-image-width
- in css-break-4, for break-before, break-after
- in css-break-4, for break-inside, page-break-inside
- in css-break-4, for margin-break
- in css-color-adjust-1, for forced-color-adjust
- in css-contain-2, for content-visibility
- in css-content-3, for quotes
- in css-counter-styles-3, for @counter-style/range
- in css-counter-styles-3, for @counter-style/speak-as
- in css-flexbox-1, for align-items, align-self
- in css-flexbox-1, for flex-basis
- in css-fonts-4, for @font-face/font-display
- in css-fonts-4, for font-kerning
- in css-fonts-4, for font-optical-sizing
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-position
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-small-caps
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-style
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-weight
- in css-fonts-5, for @font-face/font-size
- in css-grid-2, for <grid-line>
- in css-grid-2, for grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows
- in css-images-3, for image-rendering
- in css-inline-3, for baseline-source, vertical-align
- in css-inline-3, for dominant-baseline
- in css-multicol-1, for column-count
- in css-multicol-1, for column-fill
- in css-multicol-1, for column-width
- in css-multicol-2, for column-span
- in css-nav-1, for spatial-navigation-action
- in css-nav-1, for spatial-navigation-contain
- in css-overflow-3, for overflow, overflow-x, overflow-y
- in css-overflow-3, for scroll-behavior
- in css-overflow-3, for scrollbar-gutter
- in css-overflow-4, for block-ellipsis
- in css-overflow-4, for continue
- in css-overscroll-1, for overscroll-behavior, overscroll-behavior-x, overscroll-behavior-y, overscroll-behavior-inline, overscroll-behavior-block
- in css-page-3, for @page/bleed
- in css-page-3, for @page/size
- in css-position-3, for top, right, bottom, left, inset-block-start, inset-inline-start, inset-block-end, inset-inline-end, inset-block, inset-inline, inset
- in css-position-4, for overlay
- in css-rhythm-1, for block-step-align
- in css-round-display-1, for viewport-fit
- in css-ruby-1, for ruby-merge
- in css-ruby-1, for ruby-overhang
- in css-scroll-anchoring-1, for overflow-anchor
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-padding, scroll-padding-inline, scroll-padding-inline-start, scroll-padding-inline-end, scroll-padding-block, scroll-padding-block-start, scroll-padding-block-end
- in css-scroll-snap-2, for scroll-start-target, scroll-start-target-block, scroll-start-target-inline, scroll-start-target-x, scroll-start-target-y
- in css-scrollbars-1, for scrollbar-color
- in css-scrollbars-1, for scrollbar-width
- in css-shapes-2, for shape-inside
- in css-size-adjust-1, for text-size-adjust
- in css-sizing-3, for width, height, min-width, min-height
- in css-sizing-4, for aspect-ratio
- in css-sizing-4, for contain-intrinsic-width, contain-intrinsic-height, contain-intrinsic-block-size, contain-intrinsic-inline-size, contain-intrinsic-size
- in css-speech-1, for speak
- in css-speech-1, for voice-duration
- in css-text-4, for hyphenate-character
- in css-text-4, for hyphenate-limit-chars
- in css-text-4, for hyphens
- in css-text-4, for line-break
- in css-text-4, for text-align-last
- in css-text-4, for text-autospace
- in css-text-4, for text-justify
- in css-text-4, for text-spacing
- in css-text-4, for text-spacing-trim
- in css-text-4, for text-wrap-style
- in css-text-4, for wrap-before, wrap-after
- in css-text-4, for wrap-inside
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-ink
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-inset
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-self
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-thickness
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-underline-offset
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-underline-position
- in css-ui-3, for caret-color
- in css-ui-4, for accent-color
- in css-ui-4, for appearance
- in css-ui-4, for caret-animation
- in css-ui-4, for caret-shape
- in css-ui-4, for cursor
- in css-ui-4, for input-security
- in css-ui-4, for outline-color
- in css-ui-4, for pointer-events
- in css-ui-4, for user-select
- in css-view-transitions-2, for @view-transition/navigation
- in css-will-change-1, for will-change
- in css22, for <top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>
- in css22, for clip
- in css22, for height
- in css22, for overflow
- in css22, for page-break-before, page-break-after, page-break-inside
- in css22, for table-layout
- in css22, for top, right, bottom, left
- in css22, for width
- in css22, for z-index
- in css3-exclusions, for wrap-flow
- in cssom-view-1, for scroll-behavior
- in filter-effects-1, for color-interpolation-filters
- in motion-1, for offset-anchor
- in motion-1, for offset-position
- in motion-1, for offset-rotate
- in scroll-animations-1, for view-timeline-inset
- auto-fill
- auto-fit
- [ auto-flow && dense? ] <'grid-auto-rows'>? / <'grid-template-columns'>
- auto && <length>
- auto-phrase
- auto && <ratio>
- <autospace>
- av01
- av1c
- av1m
- avoid
- avoid-column
- avoid-flex
- avoid-line
- avoid-page
- avoid-region
- azure
- b
- b4
- b5
- back
- background
- backwards
- balance
- balance-all
- bar
- in css-align-3, for justify-self, justify-items, align-content, align-self, align-items, <baseline-position>
- in css-flexbox-1, for align-items, align-self
- in css-inline-3, for alignment-baseline, vertical-align
- in css-inline-3, for baseline-shift
- in css-line-grid-1, for box-snap
- in css-line-grid-1, for line-snap
- in css22, for vertical-align
- <basic-shape>
- before
- beige
- bengali
- bevel
- bidi-override
- bisque
- black
- blanchedalmond
- :blank
- blink
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor-size()
- in css-box-4, for margin-trim
- in css-display-4, for display, <display-outside>
- in css-fonts-4, for @font-face/font-display
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-type
- in css-ui-4, for caret-shape
- in css22, for display
- in scroll-animations-1, for scroll(), scroll-timeline-axis, view-timeline-axis
- <block-ellipsis>
- block-end
- block-self-end
- block-self-start
- block-start
- blue
- blueviolet
- bold
- bolder
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-clip
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-origin
- in css-box-4, for <box>, <visual-box>, <layout-box>, <shape-box>, <geometry-box>, <paint-box>, <coord-box>
- in css-inline-3, for initial-letter-align
- in css-masking-1, for mask-clip
- in css-masking-1, for mask-origin
- in css-shapes-1, for <shape-box>, shape-outside
- in css-sizing-3, for box-sizing
- in css-transforms-1, for transform-box
- in css-ui-3, for box-sizing
- in fill-stroke-3, for fill-origin
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-origin
- both
- both-block
- both-edges
- both-inline
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor()
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area, <inset-area>
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-position
- in css-borders-4, for border-limit
- in css-inline-3, for baseline-shift, vertical-align
- in css-page-floats-3, for clear
- in css-page-floats-3, for float
- in css-transforms-1, for transform-origin
- in css-transforms-2, for perspective-origin
- in css22, for caption-side
- in css22, for vertical-align
- braille
- break-all
- break-spaces
- break-word
- brown
- browser
- bullets
- burlywood
- butt
- button
- buttonborder
- buttonface
- buttonhighlight
- buttonshadow
- buttontext
- by
- c
- cadetblue
- cambodian
- canvas
- canvastext
- cap
- cap-height
- capitalize
- caption
- captiontext
- cap unit
- ccw
- cell
- in css-align-3, for <self-position>, <content-position>, justify-self, align-self, justify-content, align-content
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor()
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area, <inset-area>
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-position
- in css-flexbox-1, for align-content
- in css-flexbox-1, for align-items, align-self
- in css-flexbox-1, for justify-content
- in css-inline-3, for baseline-shift, vertical-align
- in css-line-grid-1, for box-snap
- in css-rhythm-1, for block-step-align
- in css-ruby-1, for ruby-align
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-align
- in css-speech-1, for voice-balance
- in css-text-4, for text-align
- in css-text-4, for text-group-align
- in css-transforms-1, for transform-origin
- in css-transforms-2, for perspective-origin
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-align
- central
- ch
- character-variant(<feature-value-name>#)
- chartreuse
- checkbox
- child
- child(<integer>)
- chocolate
- ch unit
- ch-width
- circle
- cjk-decimal
- cjk-earthly-branch
- cjk-heavenly-stem
- cjk-ideographic
- clear
- clip
- clone
- close
- closed
- close-quote
- closest-corner
- closest-side
- cm
- coarse
- collapse
- <color>
- color
- color-burn
- color-dodge
- col-resize
- column
- column-reverse
- common-ligatures
- compress
- condensed
- constrained-high
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-size
- in css-images-4, for object-fit
- in css-line-grid-1, for line-snap
- in css-nav-1, for spatial-navigation-contain
- in css-overscroll-1, for overscroll-behavior, overscroll-behavior-x, overscroll-behavior-y, overscroll-behavior-inline, overscroll-behavior-block
- in css-round-display-1, for viewport-fit
- in css-sizing-4, for width, height, inline-size, block-size, min-width, min-height, min-inline-size, min-block-size, max-width, max-height, max-inline-size, max-block-size
- in css-ui-4, for user-select
- in motion-1, for offsetpath
- in motion-1, for ray()
- in scroll-animations-1, for animation-timeline-range
- content
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-clip
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-origin
- in css-box-4, for <box>, <visual-box>, <layout-box>, <shape-box>, <geometry-box>, <paint-box>, <coord-box>
- in css-masking-1, for mask-clip
- in css-masking-1, for mask-origin
- in css-shapes-1, for <shape-box>, shape-outside
- in css-sizing-3, for box-sizing
- in css-transforms-1, for transform-box
- in css-ui-3, for box-sizing
- in fill-stroke-3, for fill-origin
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-origin
- <content-list>
- contents
- context-menu
- contextual
- copy
- coral
- corners
- cornflowerblue
- cornsilk
- <counter>
- <counter-name> <integer>?
- <counter-style-name>
- cover
- create
- crimson
- crisp-edges
- crop
- cross
- crosshair
- currentcolor
- cursive
- curve
- custom
- <custom-ident>+
- cw
- cyan
- cyclic
- dark
- darkblue
- darkcyan
- darken
- darkgoldenrod
- darkgray
- darkgreen
- darkgrey
- darkkhaki
- darkmagenta
- darkolivegreen
- darkorange
- darkorchid
- darkred
- darksalmon
- darkseagreen
- darkslateblue
- darkslategray
- darkslategrey
- darkturquoise
- darkviolet
- dashed
- <dashed-ident>#
- <dashed-ident> || <try-tactic>
- dashes
- <decibel>
- decimal
- decimal-leading-zero
- deeppink
- deepskyblue
- default
- deg
- dense
- devanagari
- diagonal-fractions
- difference
- digits
- digits <integer>?
- digits <integer [2,4]>?
- <dimension-unit>
- dimgray
- dimgrey
- disc
- discard
- discard-after
- discard-before
- discard-inner
- disclosure-closed
- disclosure-open
- discretionary-ligatures
- display
- display-p3
- distribute
- dodgerblue
- do not upgrade
- dot
- dotted
- double
- double-circle
- down
- dpcm
- dpi
- dppx
- drop
- dvb
- dvh
- dvi
- dvmax
- dvmin
- dvw
- e
- each-line
- ease
- ease-in
- ease-in-out
- ease-out
- economy
- ellipse
- ellipsis
- em
- embed
- embossed
- emoji
- em unit
- enabled
- in css-align-3, for <self-position>, <content-position>, justify-self, align-self, justify-content, align-content
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor()
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area, <inset-area>
- in css-easing-2, for steps()
- in css-inline-3, for text-box-trim
- in css-rhythm-1, for block-step-align
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-align
- in css-text-4, for text-align
- in css-text-4, for text-group-align
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-spaces
- in css3-exclusions, for wrap-flow
- entry
- entry-crossing
- e-resize
- ethiopic-numeric
- evenodd
- ew-resize
- ex
- exact
- exclude
- exclusion
- ex-height
- ex-height | cap-height | ch-width | ic-width | ic-height
- exit
- exit-crossing
- expanded
- extends
- extra-condensed
- extra-expanded
- ex unit
- fade
- fallback
- false
- fantasy
- farthest-corner
- farthest-side
- fast
- <feature-tag-value>
- female
- field
- fieldtext
- fill
- fill-box
- filled
- fine
- firebrick
- :first
- first
- first baseline
- first-baseline
- first-except
- first-letter
- fit-content
- fit-content()
- fit-content(<length-percentage>)
- fixed
- <flex>
- flex
- <flex [0,∞]>
- <'flex-basis'>
- flex-end
- flex-flow
- <'flex-grow'>
- <'flex-shrink'>
- flex-start
- flex-visual
- flip
- flip-block
- flip-inline
- flip-start
- floralwhite
- flow
- flow-root
- focus
- force
- force-end
- forestgreen
- forwards
- fr
- fragments
- frequency
- in css-fonts-5, for font-size-adjust
- in css-fonts-5, for superscript-position-override!!descriptor, subscript-position-override!!descriptor, superscript-size-override!!descriptor, subscript-size-override!!descriptor
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-thickness
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-underline-position
- from-image
- fr unit
- fuchsia
- fullscreen
- full-size-kana
- full-width
- g
- gainsboro
- gaps
- generic(fangsong)
- generic(kai)
- generic(nastaliq)
- georgian
- ghostwhite
- gold
- goldenrod
- grab
- grabbing
- grad
- grammar-error
- gray
- graytext
- green
- greenyellow
- grey
- grid
- grid-columns
- grid-order
- grid-rows
- <'grid-template-rows'> / [ auto-flow && dense? ] <'grid-auto-columns'>?
- <'grid-template-rows'> / <'grid-template-columns'>
- groove
- gujarati
- gurmukhi
- h
- handheld
- hanging
- hard-light
- hebrew
- height
- help
- in css-backgrounds-3, for <line-style>, border-style, border-top-style, border-left-style, border-bottom-style, border-right-style, border
- in css-contain-2, for content-visibility
- in css-display-4, for visibility
- in css-overflow-3, for overflow, overflow-x, overflow-y
- in css2
- in css22, for <border-style>, border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style, border-style
- in css22, for overflow
- hide
- high
- highlight
- highlighttext
- high-quality
- hiragana
- hiragana-iroha
- historical-forms
- historical-ligatures
- hline
- honeydew
- horizontal offset
- horizontal-tb
- hotpink
- hover
- hsl
- hue
- hwb
- hz
- ic
- ic-height
- icon
- ic unit
- ic-width
- ident
- ideograph-alpha
- ideographic
- ideographic-ink
- ideographic-space
- ideograph-numeric
- implicit
- in
- inactiveborder
- inactivecaption
- inactivecaptiontext
- indianred
- indigo
- infinite
- -infinity
- infinity
- infobackground
- infotext
- inherit
- initial
- initial direction
- initial-only
- initial position
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor-size()
- in css-box-4, for margin-trim
- in css-display-4, for display, <display-outside>
- in css-page-floats-3, for float-reference
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-type
- in css22, for display
- in scroll-animations-1, for scroll(), scroll-timeline-axis, view-timeline-axis
- inline-block
- inline-end
- inline-flex
- inline-grid
- inline-self-end
- inline-self-start
- inline-size
- inline-start
- inline-table
- inner box-shadow
- insert
- in css-backgrounds-3, for <line-style>, border-style, border-top-style, border-left-style, border-bottom-style, border-right-style, border
- in css-backgrounds-3, for box-shadow
- in css-borders-4, for box-shadow-position
- in css2
- in css22, for <border-style>, border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style, border-style
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-align
- <'inset-area'>
- <inset-area>
- inset-area( <'inset-area'> )
- inside
- <integer [1,∞]> <block-ellipsis>?
- [ <integer [-∞,-1]> | <integer [1,∞]> ] && <custom-ident>?
- <integer> && <custom-ident>?
- inter-character
- interlace
- intersect
- inter-word
- invert
- inverted
- isolate
- isolate-override
- italic
- ivory
- japanese-formal
- japanese-informal
- jis04
- jis78
- jis83
- jis90
- jis-b4
- jis-b5
- jump-both
- jump-end
- jump-none
- jump-start
- justify
- justify-all
- kannada
- katakana
- katakana-iroha
- keep
- keep-all
- <keyframes-name>
- khaki
- khmer
- khz
- korean-hangul-formal
- korean-hanja-formal
- korean-hanja-informal
- l
- lab
- landscape
- lao
- large
- last
- last baseline
- last-baseline
- lavender
- lavenderblush
- lawngreen
- layout
- layout()
- lch
- leading
- ledger
- :left
- in css-align-3, for justify-content, justify-self, justify-items
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor()
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area, <inset-area>
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-position
- in css-borders-4, for border-limit
- in css-break-4, for break-before, break-after
- in css-page-floats-3, for clear
- in css-page-floats-3, for float
- in css-speech-1, for voice-balance
- in css-text-4, for text-align
- in css-text-4, for text-group-align
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-emphasis-position
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-underline-position
- in css-transforms-1, for transform-origin
- in css-transforms-2, for perspective-origin
- in css22, for clear
- in css22, for float
- in css22, for page-break-before, page-break-after, page-break-inside
- leftwards
- legacy
- legal
- lemonchiffon
- in css-position-3, for top, right, bottom, left, inset-block-start, inset-inline-start, inset-block-end, inset-inline-end, inset-block, inset-inline, inset
- in css-text-3, for letter-spacing
- in css-text-3, for word-spacing
- in css-text-4, for text-indent
- in css22, for <border-width>, border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, border-left-width, border-width
- in css22, for <padding-width>
- in css22, for top, right, bottom, left
- in css22, for vertical-align
- length
- <length [0,∞]>
- <length-percentage>
- <length-percentage>+#
- <length-percentage [0,∞]>{2}
- less
- letter
- lh
- lh unit
- light
- lightblue
- lightcoral
- lightcyan
- lighten
- lighter
- lightgoldenrodyellow
- lightgray
- lightgreen
- lightgrey
- lightpink
- lightsalmon
- lightseagreen
- lightskyblue
- lightslategray
- lightslategrey
- lightsteelblue
- lightyellow
- lime
- limegreen
- line
- linear
- linearrgb
- linen
- [ <line-names>? <string> <track-size>? <line-names>? ]+ [ / <explicit-track-list> ]?
- line-through
- lining-nums
- <link-param>+
- linktext
- listbox
- list-item
- literal-punctuation
- local
- logical
- loose
- loud
- low
- lower-alpha
- lower-armenian
- lowercase
- lower-greek
- lower-latin
- lower-roman
- ltr
- luminance
- luminosity
- lvb
- lvh
- lvi
- lvmax
- lvmin
- lvw
- ma1a
- ma1b
- magenta
- malayalam
- male
- mandatory
- manual
- margin
- margin-box
- mark
- marker
- marktext
- maroon
- match-parent
- match-self
- match-source
- math
- math-auto
- mathematical
- max-content
- maximum
- in css-backgrounds-3, for <line-width>, border-width, border-top-width, border-left-width, border-bottom-width, border-right-width, border
- in css-speech-1, for pause-before, pause-after
- in css-speech-1, for rest-before, rest-after
- in css-speech-1, for voice-pitch
- in css-speech-1, for voice-range
- in css-speech-1, for voice-rate
- in css-speech-1, for voice-volume
- in css22, for <border-width>, border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, border-left-width, border-width
- in css22, for font-size
- mediumaquamarine
- mediumblue
- mediumorchid
- mediumpurple
- mediumseagreen
- mediumslateblue
- mediumspringgreen
- mediumturquoise
- mediumvioletred
- menu
- menulist
- menulist-button
- menutext
- merge
- message-box
- meter
- middle
- midnightblue
- min-content
- minimal-ui
- minimum
- minmax()
- mintcream
- mistyrose
- miter
- mixed
- mm
- moccasin
- moderate
- mongolian
- monospace
- more
- most-block-size
- most-height
- most-inline-size
- most-width
- move
- ms
- multiply
- myanmar
- nan
- narrow
- navajowhite
- navy
- nearest
- ne-resize
- nesw-resize
- neutral
- never
- no-autospace
- no-clip
- no-close-quote
- no-common-ligatures
- no-compress
- no-contextual
- no-discretionary-ligatures
- no-drop
- no-historical-ligatures
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor-name
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor-scope
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area
- in css-anchor-position-1, for position-try-fallbacks
- in css-anchor-position-1, for position-try-options
- in css-animations-1, for animation-fill-mode
- in css-animations-1, for animation-name
- in css-animations-2, for animation-timeline, <single-animation-timeline>
- in css-backgrounds-3, for <line-style>, border-style, border-top-style, border-left-style, border-bottom-style, border-right-style, border
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-image
- in css-backgrounds-3, for box-shadow
- in css-borders-4, for box-shadow-offset
- in css-box-4, for margin-trim
- in css-color-4, for <color>
- in css-color-adjust-1, for forced-color-adjust
- in css-conditional-5, for container-name
- in css-contain-2, for contain
- in css-contain-3, for container-name
- in css-content-3, for bookmark-level
- in css-content-3, for content
- in css-content-3, for quotes
- in css-content-3, for string-set
- in css-display-4, for display, <display-box>
- in css-flexbox-1, for flex
- in css-fonts-4, for font-kerning
- in css-fonts-4, for font-optical-sizing
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-position
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-small-caps
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-style
- in css-fonts-4, for font-synthesis-weight
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-ligatures
- in css-fonts-5, for font-size-adjust
- in css-grid-2, for grid-template
- in css-grid-2, for grid-template-areas
- in css-grid-2, for grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns
- in css-images-3, for image-orientation
- in css-images-4, for object-fit
- in css-images-5, for object-view-box
- in css-inline-3, for initial-letter-wrap
- in css-inline-3, for text-box-trim
- in css-line-grid-1, for box-snap
- in css-line-grid-1, for line-snap
- in css-link-params-1, for none
- in css-lists-3, for counter-reset
- in css-lists-3, for counter-set counter-increment
- in css-lists-3, for counter-set, counter-increment
- in css-lists-3, for list-style-image
- in css-lists-3, for list-style-type
- in css-multicol-2, for column-span
- in css-overflow-4, for block-ellipsis
- in css-overflow-4, for line-clamp
- in css-overflow-4, for max-lines
- in css-overflow-5, for scroll-marker-group
- in css-overscroll-1, for overscroll-behavior, overscroll-behavior-x, overscroll-behavior-y, overscroll-behavior-inline, overscroll-behavior-block
- in css-page-3, for @page/marks
- in css-page-floats-3, for float
- in css-position-4, for overlay
- in css-ruby-1, for ruby-overhang
- in css-scroll-anchoring-1, for overflow-anchor
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-align
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-type
- in css-scroll-snap-2, for scroll-start-target, scroll-start-target-block, scroll-start-target-inline, scroll-start-target-x, scroll-start-target-y
- in css-scrollbars-1, for scrollbar-width
- in css-shapes-1, for shape-outside
- in css-size-adjust-1, for text-size-adjust
- in css-sizing-3, for max-width, max-height
- in css-sizing-4, for contain-intrinsic-width, contain-intrinsic-height, contain-intrinsic-block-size, contain-intrinsic-inline-size, contain-intrinsic-size
- in css-speech-1, for pause-before, pause-after
- in css-speech-1, for rest-before, rest-after
- in css-speech-1, for voice-stress
- in css-text-4, for hanging-punctuation
- in css-text-4, for hyphenate-limit-lines
- in css-text-4, for hyphens
- in css-text-4, for text-group-align
- in css-text-4, for text-justify
- in css-text-4, for text-spacing
- in css-text-4, for text-transform
- in css-text-4, for word-space-transform
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-line
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-box
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-ink
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-inset
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-self
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-spaces
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-emphasis-style
- in css-transforms-2, for perspective
- in css-transforms-2, for perspective()
- in css-transforms-2, for translate, rotate, scale
- in css-transitions-1, for transition-property
- in css-ui-4, for appearance
- in css-ui-4, for cursor
- in css-ui-4, for input-security
- in css-ui-4, for pointer-events
- in css-ui-4, for user-select
- in css-values-4, for clamp()
- in css-view-transitions-1, for view-transition-name
- in css-view-transitions-2, for @view-transition/navigation
- in css-view-transitions-2, for view-transition-class
- in css-writing-modes-4, for text-combine-upright
- in css22, for <border-style>, border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style, border-style
- in css22, for clear
- in css22, for counter-reset, counter-increment
- in css22, for display
- in css22, for float
- in css22, for max-height
- in css22, for max-width
- in css22, for text-decoration
- in css3-exclusions, for wrap-through
- in fill-stroke-3, for <paint>
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-dash-corner
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-dash-justify
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-dasharray
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/forced-colors
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/hover
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/inverted-colors
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/nav-controls
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/overflow-block
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/overflow-inline
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/pointer
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/scripting
- in mediaqueries-5, for @media/update
- in motion-1, for offset-path
- in motion-1, for offsetpath
- in scroll-animations-1, for timeline-scope
- 'none'::as border style
- nonzero
- no-open-quote
- no-overflow
- no-preference
- no-punctuation
- no-referrer
- no-referrer-when-downgrade
- no-repeat
- in compositing-2, for <blend-mode>
- in css-align-3, for align-self
- in css-align-3, for justify-content, align-content
- in css-align-3, for justify-self
- in css-align-3, for row-gap, column-gap, gap
- in css-anchor-position-1, for position-try-order
- in css-animations-1, for animation-direction
- in css-color-adjust-1, for color-scheme
- in css-conditional-5, for container-type
- in css-contain-3, for container-type
- in css-content-3, for content
- in css-display-4, for reading-flow
- in css-fonts-4, for font-feature-settings
- in css-fonts-4, for font-kerning
- in css-fonts-4, for font-language override
- in css-fonts-4, for font-palette
- in css-fonts-4, for font-style
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-alternates
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-caps
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-east-asian
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-emoji
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-ligatures
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-numeric
- in css-fonts-4, for font-variant-position
- in css-fonts-4, for font-weight
- in css-fonts-4, for font-width
- in css-fonts-5, for ascent-override!!descriptor, descent-override!!descriptor, line-gap-override!!descriptor
- in css-fonts-5, for superscript-position-override!!descriptor, subscript-position-override!!descriptor, superscript-size-override!!descriptor, subscript-size-override!!descriptor
- in css-inline-3, for initial-letter
- in css-inline-3, for inline-sizing
- in css-inline-3, for line-height
- in css-nav-1, for spatial-navigation-function
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-stop
- in css-speech-1, for speak-as
- in css-speech-1, for voice-rate
- in css-speech-1, for voice-stress
- in css-text-4, for letter-spacing
- in css-text-4, for line-break
- in css-text-4, for overflow-wrap
- in css-text-4, for text-autospace
- in css-text-4, for text-spacing-trim
- in css-text-4, for white-space
- in css-text-4, for word-break
- in css-text-4, for word-spacing
- in css-writing-modes-4, for unicode-bidi
- in motion-1, for offset-position
- in scroll-animations-1, for animation-range-end
- in scroll-animations-1, for animation-range-start
- no-skip
- not
- not-allowed
- nowrap
- n-resize
- ns-resize
- number
- numbers
- numeric
- numeric-only
- nw-resize
- nwse-resize
- objectboundingbox
- objects
- oblique
- oblique <angle [-90deg,90deg]>?
- <offset-path> || <coord-box>
- oklab
- oklch
- old
- oldlace
- oldstyle-nums
- olive
- olivedrab
- only
- opaque
- open
- open-quote
- optional
- orange
- orangered
- orchid
- ordinal
- origin
- origin-when-cross-origin
- oriya
- ornaments(<feature-value-name>)
- outer box-shadow
- in css-backgrounds-3, for <line-style>, border-style, border-top-style, border-left-style, border-bottom-style, border-right-style, border
- in css-borders-4, for box-shadow-position
- in css2
- in css22, for <border-style>, border-top-style, border-right-style, border-bottom-style, border-left-style, border-style
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-align
- outside
- outside-shape
- over
- overflow
- overlay
- overline
- p3
- padding
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-clip
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-origin
- in css-box-4, for <box>, <visual-box>, <layout-box>, <shape-box>, <geometry-box>, <paint-box>, <coord-box>
- in css-masking-1, for mask-clip
- in css-masking-1, for mask-origin
- in css-shapes-1, for <shape-box>, shape-outside
- in fill-stroke-3, for fill-origin
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-origin
- page
- paged
- paginate
- paint
- palegoldenrod
- palegreen
- paleturquoise
- palevioletred
- papayawhip
- path()
- paused
- pc
- peachpuff
- <percentage>
- percentage
- <percentage [0,∞]>
- perceptual
- persian
- peru
- petite-caps
- pi
- picture-in-picture
- pink
- pixelated
- plaintext
- plum
- pointer
- portrait
- powderblue
- pre
- pre-line
- preserve
- preserve-breaks
- preserve-parent-color
- preserve-spaces
- pretty
- pre-wrap
- progress
- progress-bar
- progressive
- projection
- prophoto-rgb
- proportional-nums
- proportional-width
- proximity
- pt
- punctuation
- purple
- push-button
- px
- q
- r
- rad
- <radial-shape>
- <radial-size>
- radio
- raise
- <ray()>
- ray()
- <ray-size>
- rcap
- rcap unit
- rch
- rch unit
- rebeccapurple
- rec2020
- rect
- :recto
- recto
- red
- reduce
- reduced
- region
- relative
- relative-colorimetric
- rem
- rem unit
- repeat
- repeat-x
- repeat-y
- replace
- reverse
- <reversed-counter-name> <integer>?
- revert
- revert-layer
- rex
- rex unit
- ric
- ric unit
- ridge
- :right
- in css-align-3, for justify-content, justify-self, justify-items
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor()
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area, <inset-area>
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-position
- in css-borders-4, for border-limit
- in css-break-4, for break-before, break-after
- in css-page-floats-3, for clear
- in css-page-floats-3, for float
- in css-speech-1, for voice-balance
- in css-text-4, for text-align
- in css-text-4, for text-group-align
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-emphasis-position
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-underline-position
- in css-transforms-1, for transform-origin
- in css-transforms-2, for perspective-origin
- in css22, for clear
- in css22, for float
- in css22, for page-break-before, page-break-after, page-break-inside
- rightwards
- rlh
- rlh unit
- root
- rosybrown
- rotate-left
- rotate-right
- round
- row
- row-resize
- row-reverse
- royalblue
- rtl
- ruby
- ruby-base
- ruby-base-container
- ruby-text
- ruby-text-container
- run-in
- running
- s
- saddlebrown
- safe
- safe-area-inset-bottom
- safe-area-inset-left
- safe-area-inset-right
- safe-area-inset-top
- salmon
- same-origin
- sandybrown
- sans-serif
- saturation
- scale-down
- screen
- scroll
- scrollbar
- scroll-position
- seagreen
- searchfield
- seashell
- selecteditem
- selecteditemtext
- self
- self-block
- self-end
- self-inline
- self-start
- semi-condensed
- semi-expanded
- <semitones>
- separate
- se-resize
- serif
- sesame
- show
- sides
- sideways
- sideways-lr
- sideways-right
- sideways-rl
- sienna
- silent
- silver
- simp-chinese-formal
- simp-chinese-informal
- simplified
- <size>
- size
- skip-all
- skip-line-through
- skip-overline
- skip-underline
- skyblue
- slashed-zero
- slateblue
- slategray
- slategrey
- slice
- slider-horizontal
- slow
- small
- small-caps
- small-caption
- smooth
- snap
- snap-block
- snap-block(<length> [, start | end | near ]?)
- snap-inline
- snap-inline(<length> [, left | right | near ]?)
- snow
- soft
- soft-light
- solid
- space
- space-all
- space-around
- space-between
- space-evenly
- space-first
- spaces
- <spacing-trim>
- span-all
- span-block-end
- span-block-start
- span-bottom
- span-end
- span-inline-end
- span-inline-start
- span && [ <integer [1,∞]> || <custom-ident> ]
- span && [ <integer> || <custom-ident> ]
- span-start
- span-top
- span-x-end
- span-x-start
- span-y-end
- span-y-start
- speech
- spelling-error
- spell-out
- spread
- springgreen
- square
- square-button
- s-resize
- srgb
- srgb-linear
- stable
- stacked-fractions
- standalone
- standard
- in css-align-3, for <self-position>, <content-position>, justify-self, align-self, justify-content, align-content
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor()
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area, <inset-area>
- in css-content-3, for string()
- in css-easing-2, for steps()
- in css-inline-3, for text-box-trim
- in css-rhythm-1, for block-step-align
- in css-ruby-1, for ruby-align
- in css-scroll-snap-1, for scroll-snap-align
- in css-text-4, for text-align
- in css-text-4, for text-group-align
- in css-text-decor-4, for text-decoration-skip-spaces
- in css3-exclusions, for wrap-flow
- static
- status-bar
- steelblue
- step-end
- step-start
- sticky
- in css-align-3, for align-content, justify-content, <content-distribution>
- in css-align-3, for align-self
- in css-align-3, for justify-self
- in css-backgrounds-3, for border-image-repeat
- in css-flexbox-1, for align-content
- in css-flexbox-1, for align-items, align-self
- in css-inline-3, for inline-sizing
- in css-sizing-4, for width, height, inline-size, block-size, min-width, min-height, min-inline-size, min-block-size, max-width, max-height, max-inline-size, max-block-size
- in fill-stroke-3, for stroke-dash-justify
- strict
- strict-origin
- strict-origin-when-cross-origin
- <string>
- <string>+
- string
- / [ <string> | <counter> ]+
- / [ <string> | <counter> | <attr()> ]+
- [<string> <string>]+
- stroke-box
- strong
- style
- styleset(<feature-value-name>#)
- stylistic(<feature-value-name>)
- sub
- subgrid
- subgrid <line-name-list>?
- subtract
- subtractive
- super
- svb
- svh
- svi
- svmax
- svmin
- svw
- swap
- swash(<feature-value-name>)
- sw-resize
- symbolic
- symbols
- system-ui
- table
- table-caption
- table-cell
- table-column
- table-column-group
- table-footer-group
- table-header-group
- table-row
- table-row-group
- tabular-nums
- tamil
- tan
- teal
- telugu
- text
- text-after-edge
- textarea
- text-before-edge
- text-bottom
- textfield
- text-top
- thai
- thick
- in css-backgrounds-3, for <line-width>, border-width, border-top-width, border-left-width, border-bottom-width, border-right-width, border
- in css-scrollbars-1, for scrollbar-width
- in css22, for <border-width>, border-top-width, border-right-width, border-bottom-width, border-left-width, border-width
- thistle
- threeddarkshadow
- threedface
- threedhighlight
- threedlightshadow
- threedshadow
- tibetan
- time
- <timeline-range-name> <length-percentage>?
- titling-caps
- to
- tomato
- in css-anchor-position-1, for anchor()
- in css-anchor-position-1, for inset-area, <inset-area>
- in css-backgrounds-3, for background-position
- in css-borders-4, for border-limit
- in css-inline-3, for baseline-shift, vertical-align
- in css-page-floats-3, for clear
- in css-page-floats-3, for float
- in css-transforms-1, for transform-origin
- in css-transforms-2, for perspective-origin
- in css22, for caption-side
- in css22, for vertical-align
- to-zero
- <track-list> | <auto-track-list>
- trad-chinese-formal
- trad-chinese-informal
- traditional
- transparent
- triangle
- trim-all
- trim-both
- trim-start
- true
- <try-tactic>
- tty
- turn
- turquoise
- tv
- ui-monospace
- ui-rounded
- ui-sans-serif
- ui-serif
- ultra-condensed
- ultra-expanded
- under
- underline
- underscore
- unicase
- unicode
- unsafe
- unsafe-url
- unset
- up
- upgrade
- upper-alpha
- upper-armenian
- uppercase
- upper-latin
- upper-roman
- upright
- <uri>
- <url>
- use-credentials
- userspaceonuse
- vb
- :verso
- verso
- vertical-lr
- vertical offset
- vertical-rl
- vertical-text
- vh
- vi
- view-box
- viewport-segment-bottom
- viewport-segment-height
- viewport-segment-left
- viewport-segment-right
- viewport-segment-top
- viewport-segment-width
- violet
- visible
- visitedtext
- vline
- vmax
- vmin
- vw
- w
- wait
- wavy
- wcag2
- weak
- -webkit-box
- -webkit-discard
- -webkit-flex
- -webkit-inline-box
- -webkit-inline-flex
- wheat
- white
- whitesmoke
- width
- window
- windowframe
- windowtext
- words
- wrap
- wrap-reverse
- w-resize
- x
- x-end
- x-fast
- x-high
- x-large
- x-loud
- x-low
- x-self-end
- x-self-start
- x-slow
- x-small
- x-soft
- x-start
- x-strong
- x-weak
- xx-large
- xx-small
- xxx
- xyz
- xyz-d50
- xyz-d65
- y
- yellow
- yellowgreen
- y-end
- young
- y-self-end
- y-self-start
- y-start
- z
- zero-if-extrinsic
- zero-if-scroll
- zoom-in
- zoom-out
4. Grammar Productions / Types
- <absolute-size>
- <age>
- <alpha-value>
- <an+b>
- <anchor-element>
- <anchor-side>
- <anchor-size>
- <angle>
- <angle-percentage>
- <angular-color-hint>
- <angular-color-stop>
- <angular-color-stop-list>
- <animateable-feature>
- <antecedent>
- <any-value>
- <arc-command>
- <arc-size>
- <arc-sweep>
- <at-keyword-token>
- <atomic-condition>
- <at-rule-list>
- <attachment>
- <attribute-selector>
- <attr-matcher>
- <attr-modifier>
- <attr-name>
- <attr-type>
- <auto-repeat>
- <autospace>
- <auto-track-list>
- <axis>
- <bad-string-token>
- <bad-url-token>
- <baseline-position>
- <basic-shape>
- <basic-shape-rect>
- <bg-image>
- <bg-layer>
- <bg-position>
- <bg-size>
- <blend-mode>
- <block-contents>
- <bool-and>
- <boolean>
- <boolean-constant>
- <boolean-without-or>
- <bool-in-parens>
- <bool-not>
- <bool-or>
- <bool-test>
- <border-style>
- <border-width>
- <bottom>
- <box>
- <by-to>
- <calc-keyword>
- <calc-mix()>
- <calc-number-product>
- <calc-number-sum>
- <calc-number-value>
- <calc-product>
- <calc-size-basis>
- <calc-sum>
- <calc-value>
- <cdc-token>
- <cdo-token>
- <cf-image>
- <class-selector>
- <clip-source>
- <cmyk-component>
- <colon-token>
- <color>
- <color-base>
- <color-font-tech>
- <color-function>
- <color-interpolation-method>
- <color-space>
- <colorspace-params>
- <color-stop>
- <color-stop-angle>
- <color-stop-length>
- <color-stop-list>
- <color-stripe>
- <combinator>
- <comma-token>
- <common-lig-values>
- <comparison-operand>
- <comparison-operator>
- <compat-auto>
- <compat-special>
- <complex-real-selector>
- <complex-real-selector-list>
- <complex-selector>
- <complex-selector-list>
- <complex-selector-unit>
- <composite-mode>
- <compositing-operator>
- <compound-selector>
- <compound-selector-list>
- <condition>
- <condition-in-parens>
- <conic-gradient-syntax>
- <consequent>
- <container-condition>
- <container-name>
- <container-progress()>
- <container-query>
- <content-distribution>
- <content-level>
- <content-list>
- <content-position>
- <content-replacement>
- <contextual-alt-values>
- <coord-box>
- <coordinate-pair>
- <counter>
- <counter-name>
- <counter-style>
- <counter-style-name>
- <crossorigin-modifier>
- <css-type>
- <cubic-bezier-easing-function>
- <curve-command>
- <custom-arg>
- <custom-color-space>
- <custom-highlight-name>
- <custom-ident>
- <custom-params>
- <custom-property-name>
- <custom-selector>
- <dasharray>
- <dashed-function>
- <dashed-ident>
- <dashndashdigit-ident>
- <decibel>
- <declaration-list>
- <declaration-rule-list>
- <declaration-value>
- <delim-token>
- <deprecated-color>
- <dimension>
- <dimension-token>
- <dimension-unit>
- <discretionary-lig-values>
- <display-box>
- <display-inside>
- <display-internal>
- <display-legacy>
- <display-listitem>
- <display-outside>
- <easing-function>
- <east-asian-variant-values>
- <east-asian-width-values>
- <eof-token>
- <explicit-track-list>
- <extension-name>
- <family-name>
- <feature-value-name>
- <filter-function>
- <filter-primitive-reference>
- <filter-value-list>
- <final-bg-layer>
- <first-valid()>
- <fixed-breadth>
- <fixed-repeat>
- <fixed-size>
- <flex>
- <font-features-tech>
- <font-format>
- <font-src>
- <font-src-list>
- <font-tech>
- <font-variant-css2>
- <font-weight-absolute>
- <font-width-css3>
- <forgiving-relative-selector-list>
- <forgiving-selector-list>
- <frequency>
- <frequency-percentage>
- <function-dependency-list>
- <function-name>
- <function-parameter>
- <function-parameter-list>
- <function-token>
- <gender>
- <general-enclosed>
- <generic-complete>
- <generic-family>
- <generic-incomplete>
- <generic-script-specific>
- <generic-voice>
- <geometry-box>
- <gradient>
- <grid-line>
- <hash-token>
- <hex-color>
- <historical-lig-values>
- <hue>
- <hue-interpolation-method>
- <hv-line-command>
- <id>
- <ident>
- <identifier>
- identifiers
- <ident-token>
- <id-selector>
- <image>
- <image-1d>
- <image-set-option>
- <image-src>
- <image-tags>
- <import-conditions>
- <inflexible-breadth>
- <inset-area>
- <integer>
- <integrity-modifier>
- <intrinsic-size-keyword>
- <isolation-mode>
- <keyframe-block>
- <keyframe-selector>
- <keyframes-name>
- <layer-name>
- <layout-box>
- <leader-type>
- <left>
- <legacy-device-cmyk-syntax>
- <legacy-hsla-syntax>
- <legacy-hsl-syntax>
- <legacy-pseudo-element-selector>
- <legacy-rgba-syntax>
- <legacy-rgb-syntax>
- <length>
- <length-percentage>
- <linear-color-hint>
- <linear-color-stop>
- <linear-easing-function>
- <linear-gradient-syntax>
- <linear-stop>
- <linear-stop-length>
- <linear-stop-list>
- <line-command>
- <line-name-list>
- <line-names>
- <line-style>
- <line-width>
- <link-param>
- <margin-width>
- <marker-ref>
- <masking-mode>
- <mask-layer>
- <mask-reference>
- <mask-source>
- <media-and>
- <media-condition>
- <media-condition-without-or>
- <media-feature>
- <media-in-parens>
- <media-not>
- <media-or>
- <media-progress()>
- <media-query>
- <media-query-list>
- <media-type>
- <mf-boolean>
- <mf-comparison>
- <mf-eq>
- <mf-gt>
- <mf-lt>
- <mf-name>
- <mf-plain>
- <mf-range>
- <mf-value>
- <mix()>
- <modern-device-cmyk-syntax>
- <modern-hsla-syntax>
- <modern-hsl-syntax>
- <modern-rgba-syntax>
- <modern-rgb-syntax>
- <move-command>
- <mq-boolean>
- <multiplier>
- <named-color>
- <name-repeat>
- <namespace-attr>
- <namespace-prefix>
- <na-name>
- <na-prefix>
- <ndashdigit-dimension>
- <ndashdigit-ident>
- <ndash-dimension>
- <n-dimension>
- <ns-prefix>
- <number>
- <number-optional-number>
- <number-token>
- <numeric-figure-values>
- <numeric-fraction-values>
- <numeric-spacing-values>
- <offset-path>
- <opacity-value>
- <opentype-tag>
- <outline-line-style>
- <overflow-position>
- <padding-width>
- <page-selector>
- <page-selector-list>
- <page-size>
- <paint>
- <paint-box>
- <palette-identifier>
- <palette-mix()>
- <percentage>
- <percentage-token>
- <points>
- <polar-color-space>
- <position>
- <predefined-polar-params>
- <predefined-rectangular>
- <predefined-rectangular-params>
- <predefined-rgb>
- <predefined-rgb-params>
- <progress()>
- <progress>
- <pseudo-class-selector>
- <pseudo-compound-selector>
- <pseudo-element-selector>
- <pseudo-page>
- <pt-class-selector>
- <pt-name-and-class-selector>
- <pt-name-selector>
- <qualified-rule-list>
- <query-in-parens>
- <quirky-color>
- <quirky-length>
- <quote>
- <radial-extent>
- <radial-gradient-syntax>
- <radial-shape>
- <radial-size>
- <random-caching-options>
- <ratio>
- <ray-size>
- <rectangular-color-space>
- <referrerpolicy-modifier>
- <relative-real-selector>
- <relative-real-selector-list>
- <relative-selector>
- <relative-selector-list>
- <relative-size>
- <repeat-style>
- <request-url-modifier>
- <resolution>
- <reversed-counter-name>
- <right>
- <rounding-strategy>
- <rule-list>
- <scope-end>
- <scope-start>
- <scroller>
- <selector-list>
- <self-position>
- <semicolon-token>
- <semitones>
- <shadow>
- <shape>
- <shape-box>
- <shape-command>
- <shape-radius>
- <side-or-corner>
- <signed-integer>
- <signless-integer>
- <simple-selector>
- <simple-selector-list>
- <single-animation>
- <single-animation-composition>
- <single-animation-direction>
- <single-animation-fill-mode>
- <single-animation-iteration-count>
- <single-animation-play-state>
- <single-animation-timeline>
- <single-transition>
- <single-transition-property>
- <size-feature>
- <smooth-command>
- <source-size>
- <source-size-list>
- <source-size-value>
- <spacing-trim>
- <spread-shadow>
- <step-easing-function>
- <step-position>
- <string>
- <string-token>
- <style-block>
- <style-condition>
- <style-feature>
- <style-in-parens>
- <style-query>
- <stylesheet>
- <subclass-selector>
- <supports-condition>
- <supports-decl>
- <supports-feature>
- <supports-font-format-fn>
- <supports-font-tech-fn>
- <supports-in-parens>
- <supports-selector-fn>
- <svg-paint>
- <symbol>
- <symbols-type>
- <syntax>
- <syntax-component>
- <syntax-component-name>
- <system-color>
- <system-family-name>
- <target>
- <target-contrast>
- <target-name>
- <time>
- <timeline-range-name>
- <time-percentage>
- <toggle()>
- <(-token>
- <)-token>
- <[-token>
- <]-token>
- <{-token>
- <}-token>
- <top>
- <track-breadth>
- <track-list>
- <track-repeat>
- <track-size>
- <transform-function>
- <transform-list>
- <transform-mix()>
- <transition-behavior-value>
- <try-size>
- <try-tactic>
- <type()>
- <type-name>
- <type-selector>
- <unicode-range-token>
- <urange>
- <uri>
- <url>
- <url-modifier>
- <url-set>
- <url-token>
- <visual-box>
- <wcag2>
- <whitespace-token>
- <whole-value>
- <wq-name>
- <xyz>
- <xyz-params>
- <xyz-space>
- <zero>
5. Functions
- abs()
- acos()
- anchor()
- anchor-size()
- asin()
- atan()
- atan2()
- attr()
- blur()
- brightness()
- calc()
- calc-mix()
- calc-size()
- circle()
- clamp()
- color()
- color-mix()
- conic-gradient()
- container-progress()
- content()
- contrast()
- contrast-color()
- cos()
- counter()
- counters()
- cross-fade()
- crossorigin()
- cubic-bezier()
- device-cmyk()
- drop-shadow()
- dynamic-range-limit-mix()
- element()
- ellipse()
- env()
- exp()
- fade()
- filter()
- first-valid()
- fit-content()
- grayscale()
- hsl()
- hsla()
- hue-rotate()
- hwb()
- hypot()
- if()
- image()
- image-set()
- inset()
- integrity()
- invert()
- lab()
- lch()
- leader()
- light-dark()
- linear()
- linear-gradient()
- log()
- matrix()
- matrix3d()
- max()
- media()
- media-progress()
- min()
- minmax()
- mix()
- mod()
- oklab()
- oklch()
- opacity()
- paint()
- palette-mix()
- path()
- perspective()
- polygon()
- pow()
- progress()
- radial-gradient()
- random()
- random-item()
- ray()
- rect()
- referrerpolicy()
- rem()
- repeat()
- repeating-conic-gradient()
- repeating-linear-gradient()
- repeating-radial-gradient()
- rgb()
- rgba()
- rotate()
- rotate3d()
- rotatex()
- rotatey()
- rotatez()
- round()
- saturate()
- scale()
- scale3d()
- scalex()
- scaley()
- scalez()
- scroll()
- sepia()
- shape()
- sibling-count()
- sibling-index()
- sign()
- sin()
- skew()
- skewx()
- skewy()
- snap-block()
- snap-inline()
- sqrt()
- src()
- steps()
- string()
- stripes()
- supports()
- symbols()
- tan()
- target-counter()
- target-counters()
- target-text()
- toggle()
- transform-mix()
- translate()
- translate3d()
- translatex()
- translatey()
- translatez()
- type()
- url()
- var()
- view()
- wcag2()
- -webkit-image-set()
- xywh()
6. At-Rules
- @annotation
- @bottom-center
- @bottom-left
- @bottom-left-corner
- @bottom-right
- @bottom-right-corner
- @character-variant
- @charset
- @color-profile
- @container
- @counter-style
- @custom-media
- @custom-selector
- @else
- @font-face
- @font-feature-values
- @font-palette-values
- @function
- @historical-forms
- @import
- @keyframes
- @layer
- @left-bottom
- @left-middle
- @left-top
- @media
- @namespace
- @ornaments
- @page
- @position-try
- @property
- @right-bottom
- @right-middle
- @right-top
- @scope
- @starting-style
- @styleset
- @stylistic
- @supports
- @swash
- @top-center
- @top-left
- @top-left-corner
- @top-right
- @top-right-corner
- @view-transition
- @-webkit-keyframes
- @when
7. Selectors
- &
- *
- +
- >
- ||
- ~
- :active
- :active-view-transition
- :active-view-transition-type()
- ::after
- :after
- :any-link
- ::attr()
- :autofill
- ::backdrop
- ::before
- :before
- :blank
- :buffering
- :checked
- :closed
- ::content
- ::cue
- ::cue-region
- ::cue-region(selector)
- ::cue(selector)
- :current
- :current()
- custom state pseudo-class
- /deep/
- :default
- :defined
- ::details-content
- :dir()
- :dir(ltr)
- :dir(rtl)
- :disabled
- :empty
- :enabled
- ::file-selector-button
- :first
- :first-child
- first-child
- ::first-letter
- :first-letter
- ::first-line
- :first-line
- :first-of-page
- :first-of-type
- :focus
- :focus-visible
- :focus-within
- :fullscreen
- :future
- ::grammar-error
- :has()
- ::highlight(<custom-highlight-name>)
- :host
- :host()
- :host-context()
- :hover
- :indeterminate
- :in-range
- :invalid
- :is()
- :lang
- :lang()
- :last-child
- :last-of-page
- :last-of-type
- :left
- :link
- :local-link
- ::marker
- :matches()
- :modal
- :muted
- :not()
- :nth-child()
- :nth-col()
- ::nth-fragment()
- :nth-last-child()
- :nth-last-col()
- :nth-last-of-type()
- :nth-of-page(n)
- :nth-of-type()
- :only-child
- :only-of-type
- :open
- :optional
- :out-of-range
- ::part()
- :past
- :paused
- :picture-in-picture
- ::placeholder
- :placeholder-shown
- :playing
- :popover-open
- ::postfix
- ::prefix
- :read-only
- :read-write
- :required
- :right
- :root
- :scope
- ::scroll-marker
- ::scroll-marker-group
- :seeking
- ::selection
- ::shadow
- ::slotted()
- :snapped
- :snapped-block
- :snapped-inline
- :snapped-x
- :snapped-y
- ::spelling-error
- :stalled
- :start-of-page
- :target
- ::target-text
- :target-within
- :user-invalid
- :user-valid
- :valid
- ::view-transition
- ::view-transition-group()
- ::view-transition-image-pair()
- ::view-transition-new()
- ::view-transition-old()
- :visited
- :volume-locked
- :-webkit-autofill
- :where()